

Tc1_Mariner_TIR_transposon    (CURRENT_RELEASE)

SO Accession: SO:0002278 (SOWiki)
Definition: Elements of the Tc1-Mariner terminal inverted repeat transposon superfamily (also called mariner transposons) are named after the Transponon of C. elegans number 1 transposasse. Their activity creates a 2-bp (TA) target-site duplication (TSD). Stowaway is the non-autonomous element in this superfamily usually shorter than 600 bp.
Synonyms: DTT transposon, Mariner, Stowaway, Tc1 Mariner TIR transposon, Tc1 transposon, TcMar-Stowaway transposon
DB Xrefs: PMID: 17984973  
PMID: 8556864  

Parent: terminal_inverted_repeat_element (SO:0000208)
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